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Thank you for agreeing to share your thoughts on Production Glue as part of its new branding initiative. This nine question survey is completely anonymous and your insights will be used to strengthen the foundation of the brand moving forward.

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* What words or phrases would you use to describe Production Glue and its image?
Please rate your level of agreement with the adjectives below describing Production Glue.
Strongly Disagree Disagree Somewhat Neutral Agree Somewhat Strongly Agree
* Trusted
* Hands-on
* Experienced
* Personal
* Serious
* Disciplined
* Respected
* Agile
* Family oriented
* Cutting edge
* Visionary
* Creative
* Strategic
* Collaborative
* Is there anything that makes Production Glue unique or that it does particularly well compared to the competition?
* Complete the sentence: "Production Glue IS..."
* Complete the sentence: "Production Glue IS NOT..."
* What words would you use to describe Production Glue's culture and values?
* What do you love most about working at Production Glue?
* Beyond specific technical details, what would you want a new/potential client to know and/or think about Production Glue's capabilities?
* How does the Production Glue brand (what it stands for, the image it projects, etc.) impact what you do day-to-day?