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Questions marked with an * are required Exit Survey
* How do you first come across content that keeps you up to date with news and trends? Select all that apply:
Email (friends, newsletters, etc.)
Mobile apps (smartphone/tablet)
Search results
RSS feeds
Websites of specific publications/companies (i.e. Huffington Post)
Websites that include content from multiple publications/companies (Reddit, Google News)
Social media posts

* List the specific websites, apps and other content sources you use:
* What is the most important task these content sources help you do? Rank from 1-3. 1 being the most important.
Learn more about topics that are new to me
Find insights I can use in my work (reports, presentations)
Stay up to date in news and happenings related to my industry
* What are the qualities of a great source of digital content? Rank your top 3 choices, with 1 being the most important.
Up to date on general news and happenings
Is a one-stop-shop for a wide variety of content
Allows me to make my own profile to tailor content
Produces its own, original content
Brings together content from across the web
Has been around for a long time
Delivers an alternative perspective or angle
Is a source for expertise in a specific subject matter
Considered popular among my peers
Tracks specific happenings related to my industry
Has a unique way of delivering content
Has several different ways to consume content (web, app, etc.)
Is a relatively new source
* When consuming digital content, what format do you prefer? Rank these from 1-5, 1 being your most preferred.
Plain text
Audio (i.e. Podcasts)
Photos (i.e. galleries, Instagram)
A combination of all the above
* What do you do with the content you consume on the web? Select all that apply.
Do nothing
Bookmark page
Send link to peers
Post link to social media
Print a physical copy for self/others
Print a physical copy and highlight/annotate it
Copy/paste content into an email or document
Highlight or annotate with a digital tool (i.e. Evernote)

* Do you pay for any of the following types of digital content? Select all that apply.
Digital entertainment subscriptions (i.e. Netflix, Hulu)
Digital news site subscriptions (i.e. Harvard Business Review)
Mobile entertainment applications (i.e. HBO Go)
Mobile news applications (i.e. New York Times)
Archive or Library (i.e. Cook’s Illustrated)
Mobile productivity applications (i.e. Evernote)
Other paid content

How would you rate the overall value and trustworthiness of content from the following sources? (5 being extremely valuable/trustworthy). 
Not at all valuable/trustworthy Average Very valuable/trustworthy Unsure
* Content sponsored by a company in a relevant field
* Content posted to an industry blog
* Content posted to a publication’s website
* Content written by a journalist for a publication
* Content posted to a company’s thought leadership website
* Content posted by a peer to social media
* Content written by an expert at a company
In the last 6 months, how often have you...
* Shared content using social media:
Once every few months
Less than once every few months
* Created original content, like a blog entry or article:
Once every few months
Less than once every few months
* Do you use an instant messaging system for work, such as Slack or GChat?
Never heard of these types of services
Heard of these types of services, but would not use
Heard of these types of services, and would use
Have these services, but don’t use them
Have these services, and use them
* What other digital platforms/services do you use?
Apple Cloud
LinkedIn Pulse

About You...
You’re almost done! Tell us a little more about yourself:
* What’s your gender?
Prefer not to answer
* What’s your age?
Under 25 years old
25-34 years old
35-44 years old
45-54 years old
55-64 years old
65-74 years old
75 years or older
Prefer not to answer
* What best describes the type of role you play at your job? (retirees/unemployed, select the role you typically play. Business owners, select Senior-level)
Prefer not to answer
Other (i.e. student, stay at home)
* What kind of industry do you work in? (retirees/unemployed, select the industry you have worked in the most)